Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Question One :

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

In our media project me, Jaye Parker and Louise Vann worked together to think up different conventions we would be using that would relate and work with the genre of film we was asked to do which was a thriler. Therefore we thought it would be creatative and would give off the right effect to use a collection of different angles and a different collection of sounds. In our film we used non dietgetic and dietgetic sound to show the use of media as a whole. We challenged forms of conventions by including an antagonist and a protagonist. In having to consider aspects of a thriller and place them into our own thriller film. We had to consider the target audience and then arrange what our main idea wuld be to suit the audience, the target audience was for around 15-18 year olds and we then linked this age group with the idea of abuse in society and then worked out how we could turn these aspects in society into a thriller. The backing music was then our next idea and realised that we did not want an overload of dialouge and therefore the music was essential. We looked at different free music sites with short pieces of music in the end we chose a chilling piece which entwined perfectly with our thriller. The camera angles were important to show the vulnerability of the young traumatised girl and in having flashbacks in the film it was crucuial to get the camera angle correct so tnat in editing it would be clear to what was the flashback, we did this with slow motion shots and rapid jump cuts troughout. The most important convention of a thriller would be to build suspense and sustain it and to do this i needed to discuss with my group the importance of suspense and the success that would come across if we managed to hold it. To do this we focused on they way shots were edited in the film and using the right camera shots to not give away to much, keeping things slow but making sure they wasnt to a point of boredom.

One film that our media project can be compared to is An American crime. An american crime is a 2007 drama about the life and abuse of Sylvia
Likens by Indianapolis housewife Gertrude.

The film consists of torture and abuse from the housewife. This film is similar to our media project because of the abuse that ha

ppens, also in this film there are scenes of flashbacks which relate to the flashbacks we have used in our film. Les Diaboliques is a 1955 black and white french suspense film directed by Henri-Georges Clouzot starring Simone Signoret, Vera Clouzot and Paul Meruisse. The story blends elements of thriller and horror, with the plot focusing on a woman and her husband's mistress who conspire to murder the man; after the crime

is committed, however, his body disappears, and a number of strange occurrences ensue. This film relates to our media project because of the bath scenes that are in both of them and as a group we would agree that this film was our biggest inspiration. Also here are some comparrison images to show just how much our film relates to les diaboliques:
The video below is the bath scene from the film called what lies beneath. There are some high and low angle shots in this scene which we used in our own media project.

Question Two:

How does your media product represent a particular social group?

Our media film would represent not one society but a diverse group of people, some people find it compelling to watch thrillers that are not completely about blood and gore and therefore something that actually happens in every day life with a twist might be more interesting. People that are interested in true life films would also find this a relevant film to watch as it contains reality but holds the whole child abusive perspective at a completely different angle which makes it into a thriller but can tell a story at the same time.

Question Three:

What kind of media institution might describe your media product?

People who have had personal experiences of child abuse maybe the type of people who would be interested in this short film. I think it lives up to many expectations of a thriller but with keeping simple ideas intact and not over thinking a situation like abuse, as it is tragic in its self it was a rich idea that could be used and as a group we found there was multiple ideas you could take from that situation.
The type of companies to distribute our media film would clearly only be the type of companies that know it will make profit so companies that usually release love films or comedys will know that this isnt the type of film they would like to distribute as it would cost them money and they wouldnt feel 100% reliant that the film will make its money back. Where as companies that are used to distributing thrillers, horrors will feel confident in their experience of when is the right time to distribut a thriller and how to go around to so.

Question four:

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience for our media product culd consist of young teenagers, it could raise awareness or they might like to see it for the joy of a thrill or having had a personal experience of the same situation it could entice them to watch it. Also young adults and maybe the parent range of people would be interested in this film because of its capability to change views and tell a side to two stories which has been cleverly put together.

Question Five:

How do you attract/address your audience?

As a group we came up with ideas such as making the film fairly simple but wanted to leave the mystery of the flashbacks still lingering throughtout the start of the film to give an impact straight away on the audience. We feel that having three different main steps in the film created a kind of puzzel which could be easily figured out whilst watching parts of the film. For example; when the teenage character is standing in the door way faceing herself when she was younger but with using another character. This would have oozing confusion for about 5-7 seconds but then this would be cast away with clear thoughts of the teenage girl and with an acual fight (abuse) scene included roughly as a flashback i feel it addresses the audience in an intelligent manner and gives them something to think about.

Question Six:

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To put together our thriller the main thing we used would have been an imac computer we then would have uploaded our movie to an editing software on the computer and we each learned in my group many different ways to edit and understood the different things you could add to a film with you literally didnt actually film. The camera and tripod were the firstly obvious pieces of equipment we had to use to actually film the thriller. We did use the tripod quite often in the film for we had many straight mid shots where the shot would only work if the camera was dead still and thats where the tripod became very useful. However there were some shots during the flash back scenes where we purposely moved the camera from side to side to create a shaky and eventful feeling. Imovie was the software inwhich we used to completely edit to film so we could get it at a final stage. On imovie there are muliple options to chose from in the sense of how the image on the screen is going to come across on the final movie and how much of the film are you going to cut and also it was very crucial that we had the oppourtunity of cutting and moving scenes around to make sure that film actually flowed the way i wanted.

Question Seven:

Looking back at your preliminary rask, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to be the product?

Throughtout the thriller there has been consistant progression, learing and understanding of using different ideas and working in a group, also there has been the construction of understanding how to use imovie and actually edit your film and the way as a group we put ideas together and gradually increased on them to get to a state of continous pregression. Looking back on the preliminary task it is clear that there was little knowledge or understanding of camera angles and ways to have the ability to make something as simple as a converstaion in a preliminary task a little bit more exciting. We now all have the knwoledge and ndertsnading that we could now do this. I am also now more able to preform a camera shot with more meaning, such as a high up shot thats looking down means something has power over someone else we used this shot twice within our thriller whereas in our preliminary it was all at one l

One of the main things we learned was the 180 degree angle as shown in the picture below you cannot defestg this rule.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Screen Grabs from the film

This first shot is showing a struggle between to characters who are brother and sister an there os a struggle between them and the shot is in black and white to show that it is in the past . It is a flashback of what the main character is having about herself as a child. The flashbacks are giving an element of abuse or something disturbing of something that has happened. The struggle is relating well to social abuse which actually happens all over the world in many different types of societys and therefore we felt it was be an effective idea to use something realistic in every day life rather than a typically made thriller about a stalker or something involving blood. We wanted to take a more simple approach to a thriller and this is what we came up with.

This shot is another flashback in the front of my garden and the character being me when i was younger it is trying to present some kind of confusion and to build tension also it is thee in a simple type f setting to leave the audience thinking why is she like that? out side and on her own. This is also one of the opening shots of the film even though it is on of the flashbacks. It is just to introduce a charater and the chracter is actually the main one in the film but this shot is her as a child. It is ment to give the audience a sense of confusion about who she is but other flashbacks help tie the film togteher and make sense of all the happenings in the film.

This is a screengrab of me acting, i am playing the main character and am the girl who is bused as a child and the memories come back to haunt her. This scene here i am in the bath and as i go under water ,like the screen shot below i start to see the memories infront of me all over again and become more and more distressed about my past. This was the hardest shot to shoot in terms of the camera angle louise has to stand over the bath and craefully hold the camera as steady as possible whilst i went under water and then as i come up in a shock which is what this image is showing. The effect it would have on an audience would be a shocked imapct and quite jumpy as it is all quiet and then i shoot up in fear as quick as possible without hitting louise or the camera.

For this scene we wanted shots of me in the bath from different angles so that when we could edit the film we could make sure there was fast movements and jump cuts in the film but we thought it would be more interesting if the jump cut went straight into the same shot but at a completely different angle to create the sense of distortion in the story of the film.

Here is my full media film.

Monday, 29 March 2010


Day one : Me, jaye and Louise set up the camera outside of my house and then just had one shot of the front of the house to give the efect and ghe understanding that this is where the event is going to happen.
We asked my sister to sit in the front garden so that we could have a shot of my sister as almost a ghost.

Day two; On day two we went straight into filming the flashbacks of the film, which included me falling back onto my bed and using my older brother and younger sister having a struggle. We filmed this bit in my bedroom but made sure that faces could not be seen only the arms involved in some kind of struggle.

Day three: On day three we started to film our bath scenes, i had to go under the water to get the right shot we had louise standing over the bath to get straight shots above me and Jayee sat on a chair in the bathroom so that she could watch over everything louise is filming and how the shots are coming out. We then had to film heath and saftey hazard shots and went onto the hall way shots where me and my sister stood facing each other to give the illusion that i am looking at myself when i was younger.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


This post includeds the animatics my group completed, it includeds our story boad which shows different shots we plan to use and the overall plot.
Jaye Parker, Louise Vann and myself created the story board then moved onto creating it into an animatic just to give a very rough idea of the types of shots we want and how we want them to look.

Friday, 12 March 2010

shadow of a doubt ;

Shadow of a doubt is about a teenage girl who is highly frustrated with her life as nothing seems to go right for her. She then hears that her uncle is coming to visit. Theres a knock on the door, its two men who are pretending to be a photographer and a journalist they inform the girl that her uncle is a suspect of killing someone, whose name is "the merry widdow murderer". In the end all comes out that the uncle is actually the murderer.

North by Northwest by Alfred Hitchcock


North by NorthWest is about an identity that has been mistaken when a man is murdered and the main character is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He didn't do himself any favours as he took the knief from the mans back making himself look guilty he is then set to run all over america trying to stop an organization from smuggling microfilm containing governments secrets. the mystery is will he get caught by police as hes face is all over america.

North by Northwest by Alfred Hitchcock

Idea's for opening scene of a thriller

Within our group we have been discussing certain area's of a thriller that we would like to include within our opening two minutes of a thriller We have thought about such things as the types of shots we will be using, a rough plot line, location and editing.

- Point of view shot
- Long shot
- Over the shoulder shot.

- Girl having flashbacks of her past
- Scene of the girl in the bath; goes underwater and has a flashback, comes shooting out from under the water.
- beaten when younger by a man unknown .

- House
- Bathroom
- Street

- Fast
- Jump-cuts

Elements of a thriller:
- Suspense
- Mystery
- Fast editing
- Quick Pace

Images to show certain locations :

Monday, 8 March 2010

No Country For Old Men 2007

No Country for old men is one of the thrillers that i have seen myself and it carries many elements that are must needed in a thriller of which i have mentioned previously in other posts.
Here is the opening to no country for old men.
No country for old men is directed by the Coen brothers in 2007 starring Tommy Lee Jones, Jarvier Bardem and Josh Brolin.
This film tells the story of a man coming into contact with a foutune which is not his. It is a cat and mouse drama constant chasing and unknowing when three men cross each others paths in the desert landscape in the 1980's west texas.
The opening to this thriller includes the man finding a group of people dead possibly drug dealers and then finding the money, the suspicion he has keeps building as every character is continuously trying to find the same thing. It is a highly praised film by critics. It has increasing scenes of voilence and disturbing scenes of which are portrayed so casually to the characters.

Conventions of a Thriller

Thriller is a broad genre of literature,film and television that includes numerous and often overlapping sub-genres. Thrillers can often overlap with mysterious but are distinguished by the structure of their plots. Thrillers must cause exhilaration and apprehension of excitement and breathlessness. If a thriller doesn't thrill it isn't doing its job.

In thrillers the killer is known by the audience all the way along, or in a murder mystery where we don't find out who the killer is till the end, therefore the whole point of the story line would be simply finding out who the killer is. Many films can be applied to the todorov theory, which is equilibrium, disruption, resolution and new equilibrium.

Conventions os a thriller include a crime normally at the heart of it which illudes into something serious yet rich in suspense. A complex narrative structure, with clues but plenty of restrictions to keep the audience guessing but having a sense of fear to keep the story going. A thriller will always have a protagonist and an antagonist. The protagonist who is systematically disempowered and drawn into a complex relationship with the antagonist. Extrordinary events must occur in a thriller which is actually going to thrill people, and usually they would happen in an ordinary situation.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

preliminary exercise explanation

As part of our media coursework me and two others in my filming group did a preliminary exercise to get used to using the camera using different shots and then going onto imovie and editing the short clips into a small movie.
Different types of camera shots we used were: over shoulder shot to show the conversation between louise and jaye. Whilst editing we cut all of the clips that we didnt need so that the ones kept fitted in with each other and we made sure that the sounding was right and that it matched the clip. Effects such as fading in and out and using dissolve was able to be used because of imovie to give the short film a bigger effect.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock

Alfred Hitchcock known as the master of suspense famous for his notorious thrillers such as North by North West tht of which i watchedwith my media class and analysed.

Hitchcock was born in Leytonstone in London in 1899 on the 13th of August soon becoming an American citizen in 1956 . He is offen reguarded as one of the greatest british filmmakers ever and more than fifty films of which he directed spanning over six decades.
A list of Hitchcocks Movies
The Lodger (1926 silent)
The Ring (1927)
Easy virtue (1927)
Champagne (1928)
The Farmers Wife (1928)
Maxman (1929)
Blackmail (1929)
Juno and the paycock (1930)
Murder! (1930)
Skin Game (1931)
Rich and strange (1931)
Number 17 (1932)
The man who knew to much (1934)
The 39 steps (1935)
Secret Agent (1936)
Young and innocent (1937)
The lady vanishes (1938)
Jamaica inn (1939)
Rebecca (1940)
Many more including Pyscho and North by North west.

Friday, 29 January 2010

What is a thriller?

A thriller is a genre to a film which consists of different sub genres in itself and the conventions of different thrillers are:
A fast pace thriller
Sub genres
There will always be an antagonist and a protagonist in the movie. A antagonist is the villan of the movie and a villan is what drives a thriller to its purpose which is to thrill the audience. An protagonist is the hero of the movie but yet can usually be the one to die and the villan will live on.
Also there are moral choices
mystery and conspiracy
special effects
car chases and dramatic music with of course plenty of weapons, plenty of which belong to the antagonist, the villan will always be stacked against the hero.